Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Miercurea fara cuvinte
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Miercurea fara cuvinte
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Miercurea fara cuvinte
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Miercurea fara cuvinte
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Pentru caprita mea favorita
agate dragonskin,
argint tibetan,
coral poros,
lapis lazuli,
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Miercurea fara cuvinte
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Who's teaching whom
When people
ask me “how can you do this work -
volunteering to work with sick kids”, I simply say „how could i not?”
Kids are
little, shiny, colorful porcelain fragments that makes a great
mosaic. And from each and everyone of them i am learning something, every
single day.
I’ve learned that life is not an
afterthought, that it is ok to be scared, and definitely fine to
admit you are weak.
They taught me
that some things are hard to explain: like who is secretly painting the carrots Orange, how can the colour Red penetrate an imaginary wall made
entirely of Brown, or exactly what elves are responsible with hanging the
rainbow up in the sky (fyi - its the smallest of them).
I’ve come to understand that one’s best
assets are the eyes, the palms, the ears, the mouth and nose, because they stand
for senses, and this is how we take in what the World has to offer. That we are
beautiful because we „feel”.
I’ve learned that it does not matter how
much you lost, but rather how much you got left.
They helped me realize how easy it is to draw a ruffled
horse, a free-form cube or to dance in a wheelchair.
They showed me
how wrong it is to refuse a chid’s
gift, that Santa has a complete different storage for wishes that involved
being with family, and that it is perfectly fine not to be able to answer a
I’’ve learned the simplest of the routines:
I’ve learned that no matter how you embellish a Christmas cookie, it will turn up
just fine, that you should never give advice unless said advice are your future
self, and that no matter how tough a situation is you will get tougher.
I’ve realized that mayonnaise will never stick unless 12 happy kids
will sneeze onto it, that sometimes saving money so you can take your plush
mouse to the zoo so he can see monkeys is the most important thing in life, and
the toughest of jawbreaker candy is just like jello in a kids mouth.
They taught me how many buffalos can fit in a car (just so you know, no more than 7) and they showed me how to focus in order to see the buffalos in the forest around Fundeni Hospital.
They make it
easy for me to understand that i am a part of their happiness, they showed me
how crucial details are, and that the only limits we
should allow are that of our own imagination.
They helped me
understand that i can accept the unacceptable, that i can be angry or sad, and
no matter what i will eventually have to let go.
But what i
cherish most form all the lessons they teached me is the fact that they
made me see how beautifully imperfect life is.
I wish i could
name all the tiles that spark in my mosaic, but that will take too long. I
will, however, name two of them.
One is Ionela.
She is 19.
Another one is Anca.
She would have
been 16.
Friday, September 27, 2013
2 Octombrie - Ziua supravietuitorului de cancer
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Sangele este viata
In cadrul proiectului "Tara Lui Andrei" sunt premiate proiecte sociale. Unul dintre ele este cel referitor la dotarea centrului de transfuzii din Bucuresti. Daca va castiga, premiul de 15000 de euro va ajunge la centru pentru modernizare, in plus fata de ce s-a facut pana acum. Pot sa va rog sa votati si voi acest proiect?
Procedura de vot e simpla :
1. Intrati pe
2. va creati cont (dureaza maxim 5 minute, dar trebuie completate toate informatiile, urmand a primi un cod de activare prin sms),
3. scrieti la Cauta denumirea “Sangele este viata”,
4. apasati butonul Voteaza,
5. Like pe Facebook si/sau Tweet (butoanele sunt in partea dreapta sus)
Atentie! Se poate vota pana cel tarziu pe 7 iulie si conform regulamentului se poate vota un singur proiect.
Castigarea acestui premiu in valoare de 15 000 euro este cea mai simpla modalitate de a dota Centru de Transfuzie Sanguina Bucuresti cu echipamente moderne de colectare si prelucrare a sangelui, fara a face strangere de fonduri.
Va multumesc!
Procedura de vot e simpla :
1. Intrati pe
2. va creati cont (dureaza maxim 5 minute, dar trebuie completate toate informatiile, urmand a primi un cod de activare prin sms),
3. scrieti la Cauta denumirea “Sangele este viata”,
4. apasati butonul Voteaza,
5. Like pe Facebook si/sau Tweet (butoanele sunt in partea dreapta sus)
Atentie! Se poate vota pana cel tarziu pe 7 iulie si conform regulamentului se poate vota un singur proiect.
Castigarea acestui premiu in valoare de 15 000 euro este cea mai simpla modalitate de a dota Centru de Transfuzie Sanguina Bucuresti cu echipamente moderne de colectare si prelucrare a sangelui, fara a face strangere de fonduri.
Va multumesc!
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
E cineva interesat de domeniile urmatoare?
chec. ro
Daca da, va rog detaliile pe email.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Ma tot uit la femeia asta batrina si fara minte care este Romania si n-o inteleg!
Nu-mi place cum se imbraca, nici cum se fardeaza, imi repugna lipsa educatiei si a valorilor, ma enerveaza cum croieste tipare de justitie pe nevoi si buzunar, cum ingroapa invatamintul si-si dilueaza sistematic valorile, cum isi protejeaza anumiti copii natingi bolnavi de fals si superficialitate, cum promoveaza scarpinatul intre picioare si bilutele facute in ureche pe virful unghiei de la degetul cu ghiul, cum prin cersetorie si prefacatorie accepta constructia unor catedrale care ar rusina toate Sigiriya-ele, Gizeh-urile si Chichen-Itze-le lumii in timp ce nu mai da morfina bolnavilor de cancer, si nu pot sa nu ma intreb ce spermatozoizi apocaliptici o fecundeaza ciclic de apare in urma fiecarei gestatii numai Nefiresc...
Cu cine dracu' te tot culci, Romanie????
Monday, July 2, 2012
Set Verr
aghat crazy lace,
habotai silk,
tibetan silver
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Set Ave
blue lace aghat,
tibetan silver
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Set B.Lu
Friday, June 15, 2012
Bratara G.
rock crystal,
tibetan silver
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Colier Leree
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Colier Stea
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Set Brianna
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